Featured Listing


Mountain people are a special group of individuals. We flock to the mountains for a variety of reasons; to ski or board, to raft and fish, to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, or to commune with nature as close to the sky as possible.

Often, we come for the winter season to play on the slopes and in the powdery splendor that can’t be matched anywhere else. And then…we stay. We stay for the blink of spring when the Aspen trees begin to bud and for the summer where temperatures rarely rise into the 80’s and it stays light well into the night. We stay for the golden light of fall, and wait with anticipation for the snow to arrive again. But most of all, we stay for the community that we have found.

A mountain community is special place. We have chosen to be here and that in itself bonds us to one another. We are welcoming and kind, educated and diverse. We will ask you how you spend your free time before we ever talk about your vocation. We travel far and wide and we continue to return to this home we have found, high up in the Rockies, at the top of the world.

As a resident of this wonderful community for over 20 years, this is the market I specialize in. I’d love to show you around and any time you want information on the market or are ready to buy or sell a property – contact me. There’s no obligation.

Come see why Summit County is called “Colorado’s Playground”.

If you’re selling click here to learn more about the process and how we work in this unique and diverse market.

If you’re buying click here to discover how you can fulfill your dream of  living in this wonderful community.

“I’m a person of the mountains and the open paddocks and the big empty sky…”

– John Marsden

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